Donna Yu
(361) 423-2187

Agent Profile

It is a beautiful thing when passion and career come together.

With a passion for service , Donna as a seasoned Real Estate professional with 10 years of sales and marketing experience, coupled with high level of organization and customer care in having her own database of clientele have proven her skills that allowed her to thrive in Los Angeles real estate market.

Donna recognize and value the trust of her clients placed in her. Because of that, she strives every day to exceed their expectations. Her success is based on more than 80 percent referrals from satisfied clients. She is fully committed to provide the absolute finest service, dedication, and expertise possible to her clients.

She believes that each person has their own path and expectations to explore and each home has a distinct personality. And it is her great pleasure to find the right combination for her client. Every path is nuanced and unique that is why Donna would be honored to have an opportunity to meet and start your journey toward either owning or selling your home. It is an amazing experience, and she looks forward to each moment.

Until then, you can find Donna out doing her charity events because she find joy by giving. She always believe with the quote " We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."- Winston Churchill.


  • Buyer's agent

  • Listing agent

  • Foreclosure

  • Short-Sale